
Configuring VirtualBox Virtual Machine Settings

No change in size, 15:23, 10 March 2009
Hard Disk Settings
To add new hard disks, either click on the top button on the right hand side of the page (displaying an icon consisting of disk drives and a plus sign), right click on any of the empty space in the list pane and select ''Add Attachment'' from the menu or press the ''Ins'' key on the keyboard. A new disk drive may then be added, either by attaching an existing disk to creating a new disk image using the ''Create New Virtual Disk'' wizard.
Existing attachments may be removed my by selecting the disk drive from the list and clicking on the ''Remove Attachment'' button, right clicking on any of the empty space in the list pane and select ''Remove Attachment'' from the menu, or pressing the ''Del'' key on the keyboard.
Detaching a virtual disk from a controller does not delete the virtual disk. To delete virtual disks, click on the third button to the right of the list (the folder with the green up arrow) to launch the ''Virtual Media Manager'' where virtual disks may be deleted if required.