
Preparing to Create a Xen Guest Root Filesystem from Repositories
A Xen guest domain needs, at a minimum, a Xen configuration file, a root filesystem, swap space, a Linux kernel and an initial RAM Disk. In previous chapters we looked at a number of approaches to providing swap space and root filesystem including the use of disk images, disk partitions and logical volume management. The remainder of this chapter assumes that suitable storage has been configured to hold the root filesystem, that swap space has been configured and a suitable Xen configuration file exists. If you have not yet configured swap space and a suitable filesystem for the root files refer to the following chapters (omitting the sections on cloning the host root filesystem) before proceeding with this chapter:
* [[Building a Xen Virtual Host Guest Filesystem on a Disk Image (Cloning Host System)]]
* [[Building a Xen Virtual Host Guest Filesystem on a Physical Disk Partition (Cloning Host System)]]
* [[Building a Xen Virtual Host Guest Filesystem using Logical Volume Management (LVM)]]
== Beginning the Installation ==