
Text replacement - "<htmlet>xen<htmlet>" to "<htmlet>xen</htmlet>"
 <htmlet>xen</htmlet>  Xen hardware virtual machine (HVM) virtualization provides support for the virtualization of unmodified guest operating systems without the loss of performance inherent in the use of full virtualization (the different types of virtualization are described in the [[An Overview of Virtualization Techniques]] chapter of this book). In the case of host systems containing CPUs with virtualization support, the HVM approach provides similar superior levels of performance when compared to paravirtualization of modified guestsfull virtualization.
== Checking Hardware Support for Xen Hardware Virtual Machines (HVM) ==
The ''disk = '' line needs to be modified to reflect the required disk and CD/DVDN DVD drive configuration. For example, if you have decided to use a physical disk accessible on the host system as /dev/sdb:
== Booting the HVM Guest ==
The guest system can now be started using the ''xm create'' commandm command, for example:
All being well the domainU guest will start with output to the Xen text console similar to the following:
xm create *cfg -c<pre>Using config file "./hvmXenHVMGuest.cfg".Started domain xenhvmXenHVMGuest</pre>
and the installation process from the chosen designated media will begin.
== Connecting to the HVM dominU domainU Guest Graphical Console ==
If SDL was chosen for the graphical console then the console should appear when the guest starts up. If, on the other hand, VNC was selected and the HVM domainU was not configured to automatically start ''vncviewer'' it is now necessary to connect manually. By default the VNC port is 5900 + the ID of the domain to which you wish to connect (which can be obtained using the ''xm list'' command). For example, to connect to domain ID 10:
ps -ef | grep vnc
root 2992 2441 13 14:51 ? 00:00:00 /usr/lib/xen/bin/qemu-dm -d 11 -vcpus 1 -boot cd
-serial pty -acpi -domain-name xenhvm XenHVMGuest -net nic,vlan=1,macaddr=00:16:3e:2e:10:b0,model=rtl8139
-net tap,vlan=1,bridge=xenbr0 -vnc -vncviewer
As we can see from the above output, the Xen guest named ''xenhvmXenHVMGuest'' is accessible using Using this information we would, therefore, connect as follows: