
Understanding and Installing VMware Tools

82 bytes added, 13:32, 7 October 2008
Installing VMware Tools on a Linux Guest
VMware Tools installation on Linux uses a similar mechanism to that that described in the Windows section above. Once again, an ISO CD image containing the Linux VMware Tools installation files is mounted as the CD/DVD device of the virtual machine running target guest operating system. The installation can be performed either using a graphical RPM package management tool or from the command line, both of which will be covered in the section. In both cases, the installation is initiated by logging into the VI Web Access management interface, selecting the target virtual machine from the ''Inventory'' panel and clicking on ''Install VMware Tools'' in the ''Status'' panel of the ''Summary'' workspace.
VMware Tools on Linux involves loading special modules into the operating system kernel. For supported guest operating systems (see [[Officially Supported VMware Server 2.0 Guest Operating Systems]] for a list) pre-built modules are included with the VMware Tools installations software. If the guest operating system is not officially supported and a suitable pre-built module cannot be found, the VMware Tools configuration script will attempt to custom build a compatible module, for which it will need the GNU C compiler and the appropriate kernel sources. The steps necessary to install these packages differ between Linux distributions.
On most recent Linux distributions, the CD image will auto-mount as soon it is attached to the virtual machines CD/DVD device. If the image does not automount it will need to be mounted as superuser using a command similar to the following: