
Managing VMware Server 2.0 Virtual Disks

388 bytes added, 14:34, 22 October 2008
Adding a New Virtual Disk
To add a new virtual disk, select the ''Hard Disk'' option from the list of new hardware devices to proceed to the ''Hard Disk'' page. Options are available to either create an entirely new virtual disk, or to use an existing virtual disk that may already have been created for a pre-existing virtual machine. In fact, this second option can be used to enable multiple virtual machines to share a virtual disk, although careful steps should be taken to avoid disk write conflicts (for example both guests attempting to write simultaneously to the same disk block will likely cause problems for most standard file systems).
Once a decision has been make created made about creating or re-using a virtual disk, the next wizard screen provides the option to configure thedisk type, mode and caching options as described in the preceding sections of this chapter. Finally, a summary page is displayed highlighting the choices made during the configuration process. Clicking the ''Finish'' button will begin the addition process which, depending on the settings, may take some time to complete. == Modifying VMware Server Virtual Disk Configurations ==