
Performing General Administrative Tasks with vmrun
The VMware Tools installation process may be initiated package may be installed from the command line as follows, although completion of the installation will need to be performed at the console of the guest operating system:
TO BE COMPLETED<pre>vmrun -T server -h https://myhost:8333/sdk -u root -p mypassword installTools "[Vol1] CentOS 5.2/CentOS 5.2.vmx"</pre> To register a virtual machine with the inventory on a specific VMware host, use the ''register'' commands as follows:
vmrun -T server -h https://myhostxps:8333/sdk -u root -p mypassword -gu root -gp 3579xps installTools register "[Vol1] CentOS 5.2/CentOS 5.2.vmx"
Similarly, to unregister a virtual machine:
vmrun -T server -h https://xps:8333/sdk -u root -p mypassword unregister "[Vol1] CentOS 5.2/CentOS 5.2.vmx"
== Controlling Virtual Machine Power States with vmrun ==